Type White house -inurl:lawn in the search box and press "Enter." Place a minus sign in front of inurl when you want to view results whose URLs do not contain the word you type after inurl.


blog.inurl.com.br. License. blog.inurl.com.br. Resources.


This article will show you how to effectively use the INURL: and ALLINURL: operators. The INURL: can be combined with other search operators such as with SITE:, FILETYPE, as well as the DOUBLE QUOTATION MARKS for pin-point accuracy.


-inurl:status -inurl:hashtag -inurl:lists tells Google to exclude any Twitter lists, hashtags, and status updates from the search results. Intitle:[topic] AND intitle:resources AND inurl:resources.




The inurl: and allinurl: search operators search for specific words in web page URLs. In general, while the inurl: and allinurl: operators are incredibly useful, I would recommend trying the intitle and allintitle: operators first.


URL – allinurl and inurl. Sometimes you need to find pages that contain a search query mentioned only in the page’s URL. inurl:Guest bloggers wanted gives (without quotation marks) 33.200 results.


inurl: Example: pharmaceutical inurl:investor Means: Search for pages in which the URL contains the word investor. when i do keyword research i just use intitle and inurl with keyword in quote.


The InURL search query is one of Google's Search Operators intended to allow users to filter down the results. The InURL search query can be combined with other search operators.


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