Available online: http://www.pewresearch.org/fact ... Available online: https://www.abp.org ... Available online: http://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Animism, ...


Himiko may have been a Chinese corruption of himemiko, princess-priestess, or lady shaman. The name literally means "Sun Child." Historical references ...


In contemporary Korean, shamanism goes by the name "muism and shaman mudang" (무당巫堂). The mudang, usually a woman, serves as an intercessors between a god or ...


In Mesopotamian mythology, Nanna was the son of the sky god Enlil and and the grain goddess Ninlil. Nanna's origin myth is a story of his father's passion and ...


The Aleuts (Unangax, Unangan or Unanga) are the indigenous people of the Aleutian Islands of Alaska, United States and Kamchatka Oblast, Russia.


14 июн. 2012 г. ... Summer, summer, summertime…in Mesopotamia · ishamah001p1. “Shamash, seated in his temple and facing his emblem (the solar disk), and worshipers, ...


In Mesopotamian religion Shamash was the Akkadian name of the sun god, corresponding to Sumerian Utu. In mythology, Shamash was the son of the moon god Sin ...


Hadad (Ugaritic: 𐎅𐎄 Haddu), Haddad, Adad or Iškur (Sumerian) was the storm and rain god in the Canaanite and ancient Mesopotamian religions.


12 дек. 2021 г. ... Retrieved from http://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/European_Colonization_of_the_Americas. PBS. (1998). People & Events Indian Removal ...


14 июн. 2012 г. ... “Shamash, seated in his temple and facing his emblem (the solar disk), and worshipers, bas-relief from Sippar, about 870 bc; in the British ...


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